Reset Course Progress For LearnDash

Achieve, Reset, Repeat: Transform Learning with Our Reset Course Progress


Reset Course Progress For Learndash

Plugin version: 1.6
Last updated: 5th October 2023
LD version: 3.0 or higher
Tested up to: 6.7.1
PHP version: 7.0 or above


Simplify the process of resetting course progress in LearnDash with the Reset Course Progress add-on. You can quickly reset courses, lessons, topics, and quizzes for selected users, roles, or groups with just one click. The term “Reset Course Progress” is known as (Clear LearnDash Progress) by some sizable communities. This add-on also has an option to reset all the courses together.

Furthermore, this learndash plugin also offers you an impressive feature of scheduled reset progress that helps you to reset the courses, lessons, topics, and quizzes on your desired date and time. More interestingly, the LearnDash lesson progress result tab instantly shows you the reset status/result in its specific tab.


  • Option to reset specific course(s) by the selected user(s) or all users.
  • Option to reset all courses by the selected user(s) or all users.
  • Option to reset specific courses by defined user role(s).
  • Option to reset all courses by defined user role(s).
  • Option to reset specific courses by any particular group.
  • Option to reset all courses by any particular group.
  • Allows admin/group leader to retake quiz progress only for the selected courses.
  • Allows admin/group leader to reset the course/quiz on a specific date and time.
  • Displays scheduled reset logs.
  • Displays scheduled reset recurring type and next execution time.

Helps you with

  • When you want your staff/student to complete the same course after a certain interval of time.
  • When you want a user to start over from scratch.
  • When you need to provide course instructors with the ability to reset students’ progress.
  • When a group needs to restart the course.
  • When you want to reset all the quizzes only.

Getting Started

Do you require a plugin that will help you to set course level for every user based on their needs?

We will walk you through the important steps and factors to take into account while resetting course progress, giving you the instructions you need to make the most out of your online education.You can visit the website to buy this plugin before we get started.

Install and Activate Plugin

To upload your plugin, go to Dashboard Plugin Add New.

Then Upload Plugin Choose File Install Now.

Click on Activate Plugin once the installation is complete.

Enter your license key and click on activate license.

You are now all set to start Reset Course Progress For LearnDash and the sub-menu for your desired tab.

Set Up The Reset Course Progress

As we proceed, we’re going to get into the details ofReset Course Progress and discover the resources and choices that can improve your courses.

The reset course progress has three tabs.

  1. Reset by Users

Use this tab when you want to reset the progress of selected or all courses or quizzes for selected or all users.

Reset by users contain different options.

  • User Options: If you want to reset course for some specific users, choose Selected Users and then search users name in the box.

And if you want to reset the course for all users then select All Users option.

As soon as you select all users, you will have the option to exclude the user whose courses you don’t want to reset.

  • Reset Type: Choose Reset Course Progress if you want to reset the course; on the other hand, select the reset quiz progress option if resetting the quiz is your preference for the designated users.
  • Course Options: if you want to reset specific courses for selected users, choose the Selected Courses along with course names. And if you want to reset all courses, just select All the Courses option.

Here comes an interesting feature, if you choose to reset quiz progress with selected courses, you’ll see options for lessons, topics, and quizzes under the courses options. Now, it’s up to you: you can either reset quizzes for selected lessons or topics by checking the boxes on the right-hand side.

If you select lessons for reset then quizzes in lessons and topics will be automatically chosen, and if you choose topics then quizzes available in those topics will be selected for the selected or all users.

  1. Reset by User Roles

This tab reset course progress based on the user’s role. You can select the role such as students, group leader, administrator etc to reset the progress of your completed course or quiz for specific or all courses.

Reset by user roles contain different options.

  • Select User Role(s): Select the user role from the drop down for which you want to reset the progress for.
  • Reset Type: Choose “Reset Course Progress” if you want to reset the course; on the other hand, select the “Reset Quiz Progress” option if resetting the quiz is your preference for the designated users role.
  • Course Options: if you want to reset specific courses for selected user roles, choose the Selected Courses along with course names. And if you want to reset all courses, just select All the Courses option.

When choosing Reset Quiz Progress with Selected Course by user roles, additional options for resetting lessons, topics, and quizzes become available under the Select Course segment. Enter the specific course, lesson, topic, and quiz to reset them for the chosen user roles.

If you mark the Reset Lesson option, quizzes available in selected lessons and topics will be reset automatically you do not need to enter any other information

  1. Reset by Group

Select the Reset by Group if you want to reset the progress for group courses. You can reset Selected or All Groups for group courses or Quiz.

Reset by Group contains different options.

  • Group Option(s): If you want to reset the progress of a specific group(s), choose the Selected Groups option along with the name of groups from the drop down. Alternatively if you want to reset the progress for all groups, select All Groups.
  • Reset Type: Choose “Reset Course Progress” if you want to reset the course; on the other hand, select the “Reset Quiz Progress” option if resetting the quiz is your preference for the designated group.
  • Course Options: if you want to reset specific courses for a selected group, choose the Selected Courses along with course names. And if you want to reset all courses, just select the All the Courses option.

Reset by Group has also an option to select quizzes for specific or all lessons or topics after selecting Reset Quiz Progress and Selected Courses respectively.

If you mentioned the name of quizzes instead of marking reset lessons or topics, only the mentioned quizzes will be reset, not the all.

Schedule Reset

At the bottom of every tab, we have an amazing feature for your reset.

You can either apply the reset settings right away for your courses by choosing Reset Now or Schedule this Reset for later.

When scheduling, you have the flexibility for not only choosing date and time, but also how often you want to repeat the reset setting – whether hourly, daily or twice daily.Click on Save Schedule Reset to apply your settings.

Schedule Progress

The Schedule Progress tab displays the status or result of your scheduled resets. The selected reset details will be displayed here, including the user ID for reset by the user, the user role for reset by user role, and the group ID for reset by group.

Similarly, the course ID and quiz ID will also be displayed, depending on the scheduled reset.

If you have applied a recurring option, then the selected repetition will be available here.

Your scheduled reset date and time will also be available in another column.

The second-last column shows how much time is left for the next repetition.

Lastly, there is a column for status that represents whether the reset course has been completed or if it is still pending.

That’s it. Your course using the Reset Course Progress plugin is now set up.

Your courses or quizzes are set according to the requirement and you can repeat the process as many times as you want.


What will you do if you want your group leader or admin to reset the course on your behalf?

For this purpose, you need to integrate a dedicated shortcode page accessible to group leaders and admin. This page will be visible on the frontend interfaces of both admins and group leaders, providing them with the capability to effortlessly reset courses based on users, user roles, and groups.

One thing to remember, when admin incorporates the shortcode, its visibility becomes exclusive for group leaders. All other logged-in users, with the exception of group leaders, will experience a limited view, meaning that the material associated with the shortcode will not be visible to them.
Let’s apply a shortcode for more clarity.

I have added a shortcode in a page.


My frontend user interface would be like this.


Another thing to keep in mind is that, if a person is a group leader of three courses just those three courses will be visible on his  reset course progress frontend interface, along with the lessons and quizzes, users, user role and groups associated with them. He won’t be able to view and reset any other course and their resources.